all the stigmas that disfigure the fair face of Mother India, the worst is the
caste system which inflicts unspeakable indignities on lower castes designated
Harijans, Dalits or Bahujans. It is sinful, and more so since we have not been
able to wipe out the stigma to this day.
the things have begun to change. The four people who played major roles in
bringing about some change are Baba Saheb Ambedkar, Babu Jagjivan Ram, Kanshi
Ram and Mayawati. Of these four, Dr. Ambedkar was the messiah. He never forgave
Gandhi for granting the lower castes only reservation of seats and not a
separate electorate. He played a key role in drawing up the Constitution of
India and was later law minister in Nehru’s cabinet. Disgusted with the social
framework of caste hierarchy, Ambedkar exhorted his followers to opt for
another religion and persuaded his community of Mahars to convert en masse to
Buddhism. He remains the most respected icon of the Dalits and one of the
greatest Indians.
I like Khuswant’s honesty and
his columns.
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