Giani Zail Singh was in Sana’a on October 31 on a State visit to North Yemen. I
was staying with President Giani Zail Singh and his personal entourage in the
Presidential Palace as the Liaison Officer from the Indian Embassy. As the President
was to scheduled to leave Sana’a for India well before noon on October 31, my
job was to see that all the personal baggage of the President and his family
members is collected and sent to the airport and everybody gets ready after
breakfast. I got up early and went to the dining room for breakfast. One of the
Presidential Body Guards of the Indian Army, a young Captain, joined me. While
taking quick breakfast he told me that he had heard on the radio that some
incident had happened in Delhi involving PM Indira Gandhi. He did not have
further details. I enquired whether he had told about this to anybody. He said no. I considered and thought that it
should be brought to the notice of President Zail Singh immediately. I being a
junior officer thought of informing Ambassador Ranjit Gupta or Chief of
Protocol Hamid Ansari (now Vice President of India) who were staying in a
separate hotel. I knew COP Ansari well as I had worked with him earlier as
Protocol Officer in the Ministry of External Affairs. I could get COP Ansari on
phone and informed him. He rushed to the Presidential Palace. Meanwhile, I, at
the Control Room, started getting telephone calls from the media in Dubai. The
picture was clear about the misdeed of the security officers of PM Indira
Gandhi. COP Ansari arrived at the Palace and I accompanied him to President
Zail Singh. Simultaneously, we tried to get confirmation and details of the
happenings in Delhi from the Rashtrapati Bhawan on the hotline set up in the
Room of PS to President. But nobody was responding. With great difficulty, we
could get confirmation from the Rashtrapati Bhawan and Ministry of External
Affairs. President Zail Singh got visibly very upset. He desired to fly back to
Delhi immediately without any ceremonial send off which was scheduled. The
Yemeni hosts including President Ali Abdullha Saleh were informed accordingly.
The aircraft, technically, needed refueling on the way. President was informed
of this. He categorically said that he did not want to stop and would go to
Delhi direct. President Saleh came to the Presidential Palace, as the official
send off was cancelled, to say good bye to President Zail Singh. He waited at
the ground floor. I brought down President Zail Singh in the lift. On meeting
President Saleh, President Zail Singh broke down and wept. I could feel the
pain and his worries in the aftermath of PM Indira Gandhi’s assassination. The rest is history. Incidentally, I knew Basant
Singh Khalsa, one of the assassins of PM Indira Gandhi from my PMO days.
another co-relation with the tragic incident is that I as Under Secretary (East
Europe) in the Ministry of External affairs processed the gifting of the
Crystal River by Czechoslovakia/ Czech Republic in 1990 which covers the blood
spot where PM Indira Gandhi was shot at on the pathway at the residence of the
PM which has been named as Indira Gandhi Memorial.
write this as a tribute to PM Indira Gandhi, a great leader, with whom I have
had the good fortune to work and interact though in a small way and in a very
junior position.