The text of the Preamble of the Indian constitution reads:
“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to
secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social,
economic and political;
LIBERTY, of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the
unity and integrity of the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of
The constitution came into force on January 26, 1950. The January 26 became the Republic Day of
India. Let us look back with some sense of introspection and consider whether
we have lived up to the lofty ideals of the Preamble of the constitution of the
Republic India. It is a mixed bag, to my mind, of good and bad.
The Good – we are prevailing as a sovereign country and are a
dignified member of the comity of nations. We are the largest democracy of the
world. The words ‘Socialist and Secular’ were added to the preamble were added
on the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee later sometime in the
early 70s. It could be anybody’s guess or opinion whether we are socialist and
secular? The redeeming factor is that the constitution is working. If, somehow,
polarization of political forces on the basis of ideology and programme
happens, Indian democracy would be the most vibrant and successful.
The Bad – Could we secure for ourselves Justice, Liberty and
Equality and promote Fraternity, as visualized by the founding fathers? The
answer, most probably, is in the negative. The justice is delayed, costly,
lopsided and hard to find. The liberty is discriminatory. The Media is totally
commercialized. The intellectual class is self-centered. The Equality is yet to
come by in the caste ridden society. We have failed to promote fraternity in
the society at large. Communal strife is getting strengthened. Religious
bigotry is gaining support. But it is satisfactory to note that we still swear
to uphold the constitution. Many positive things have happened and much is
underway.Anyway, we have come a long way but still we have to go a long way. We
need to work and strive in unison.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rightly said in his last speech in the
Constituent Assembly on November 25, 1949 and I quote “….. I shall not
therefore enter into the merits of the Constitution. Because I feel, however good
a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called
to work it, happen to be a bad lot. However bad a Constitution may be, it may
turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happen to be a good
lot. The working of a Constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of
the Constitution. The Constitution can provide only the organs of State such as
the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. The factors on which the working
of those organs of the State depends are the people and the political parties
they will set up as their instruments to carry out their wishes and their
politics. “