Friday, October 4, 2024

Ambedkar Ka Jadu: Sar Chad Kar Bolega - (Ambedkar will Prevail)


 Ambedkar Ka Jadu: Sar Chad Kar Bolega - (Ambedkar will Prevail)

We have been struggling to make our point reach home with regard to the proposal on April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar, as

International Day of Equality under the aegis of the UN. The proposal is pending with the GOI (MEA/PMO) since June, 2015.

We have been pursuing the proposal, as apolitical issue, with the GOI through the good offices of PMO and MEA regularly, keeping other concerned Ministries and offices on the loop. As I wrote many a times before that this proposal is of suggestive and persuasive nature which is expected to be considered within the policy framework and agenda of the Government of the day. We have, consciously, not allowed it to become an issue of agitation. So far so good, as we clearly see that the proposal holds merit – International Day of Equality will tend to strengthen India’s Cultural/Soft Diplomacy on the lines of International Day of Non-violence and International Day of Yoga and it would also meet the GOI’s avowed agenda to honour an recognize the national icons. And also to strengthen the edifice of “affirmative action’ to empower the weaker sections of the society by underlining the dictum of ‘Equality’ in line with the stipulation’s made in the Constitution of India and also in pursuance of the UN Charter to establish a ‘just and equitable world order’.

My gut feeling tells me though lot of water has flown since the proposal was made to EAM Sushma Swaraj in 2015 yet it seems that

we have succeeded in reregistering and revisiting it with EAM Dr. S. Jaishankar in 2024. It has taken a full circle from BJP/RSS leadership to MEA/PMO. The proposal has generated vibrations in the corridors of power in New Delhi. We have got a written response from MEA in this regard.

GOI has to be magnanimous and true to democratic values in taking a right and timely decision to honour one of the greatest sons of India, Babasaheb Ambedkar. The time has come - Ambedkar Ka Jadu: Sar Chad Kar Bolega - (Ambedkar will Prevail).

With a view to provide a bit of more information on the subject for the benefit of “We the people of India”, I list here two of my latest blogs on the issue. I solicit your support.




Wednesday, September 18, 2024

An Open Letter to SC Senior Ministers in the NDA Cabinet of PM Narendra Modi – International Day of Equality


An Open Letter to SC Senior Ministers in the NDA Cabinet of PM Narendra Modi – International Day of Equality

The month of September every year cajoles me to get up and say my mind on the much neglected and marginalized proposal on April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar as International Day of Equality under the aegis of UN as yearly ritual of UNGA takes place in New Year in the second half of September. From India, either PM or EAM or both generally participate in the  UNGA and address the international community from the high podium of the world body.

Though a long time has passed since the proposal was made in June, 2015 and the GOI is blissfully silent yet my gut feeling tells me that it is increasingly becoming difficult to ignore the greatest son of India Babasaheb Ambedkar. One may or may not like it – Powers in

Delhi would ignore Ambedkar at their own peril. GOI (MEA) has already joined the process by installing and unveiling the statue of Babasaheb Ambedkar at  PMI at Geneva, the second most important seat of the UN, dealing with issues of Equality and Human Rights. EAM Dr. S. Jaishankar tweeted in social Media, “Paid my respects to Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar , the architect of the Indian Constitution at India UN at Geneva. Babasaheb’s vision of social justice, Equality and progressive modernity is an inspiration for the world.”  New York would not be far behind, to my mind.

In continuation of my blog on the subject which may be accessed at:

 I thought of writing an open letter to the Dalit Ministers in the Cabinet of PM Narendra Modi, seeking and soliciting their understanding and support to the proposal on International Day of Equality. The text of the letter dated September 18, 2024 addressed to Ministers Jitan Ram Manjhi, Chirag Paswan, Dr. Virendra Kumar and Arjun Ram Meghwal is appended below.

Let us hope these dalit Ministers join us and urge the NDA Government under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi to wake up and come out of the ‘lip service’ phase and give his due to the greatest icon of contemporary India.

मेरी अदा को दवाना तो खैर मुमकिन है;

मगर नई अवाम की आवाज कौन रोकेगा?


Appendix – Text of Letter dated September 18, 2024 to all the SC Senior Ministers


September 18, 2024

Subject - An Open Letter to Dalit Ministers in the NDA Government – International Day of Equality

Respected Hon’ble Ministers,

You might have heard of the proposal to declare April 14 (birth day of Babasaheb Ambedkar) as International Day of Equality under the aegis of the UN. The proposal is resting with the GOI (MEA/PMO) since June, 2015. After its initiation with the then EAM Sushma Swaraj, it reached PM Narendra Modi in November, 2015 in a Memorandum submitted by the Forum of SC MPs and MLAs under the stewardship of the then Speaker of Punjab Legislative Assembly, Sardar Charanjit Singh Atwal with a delegation of all the Ministers in the GOI including Ram Vilas Paswan, Thavar Chand Gehlot, Ramdas Athawale among others. In pursuance of these activities, for the first time, Dr. Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary was celebrated at the UN in New York in April, 2016 with the initiative of the GOI and rightly so. Sardar Charanjit Singh Atwal, Head of the Forum of SC MPs, who led the GOI sponsored delegation to participate in the celebrations at the UN mentioned and supported the proposal on International Day of Equality in his address at the UN function. On return, Atwal Sahib submitted his report to PM Narendra Modi in May, 2016 and informed him of his initiative and urged the Hon’ble PM to consider and advise the MEA to take appropriate steps to make a diplomatic demarche to UN on the proposed International Day of Equality. Since then, we have been reminding the powers in Delhi especially; MEA and PMO religiously but, regrettably, nothing much has moved. Meanwhile, with the collaboration and support of some of the Ambedkarite, Ravidassia, Buddhist and other stake holders and outfits abroad, we could succeed in convincing the local authorities. As a result, to our satisfaction, many Cities and Provinces in Canada, US, UK and others have declared April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar as “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Day of Equality. But, surprisingly, GOI is blissfully silent on the proposal to honour one of the greatest sons of India, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

With a view to cut the story short and knowing full well that Hon’ble Ministers have much to do otherwise, I take the liberty of listing here my latest blog on the subject which provide you some more details and information on the proposal on International Day of Equality:

You would observe, Sirs that the proposal on International Day of Equality would not only honour the greatest icon of India, Babasaheb Ambedkar but il would further strengthen India’s cultural and soft diplomacy. I will be grateful, therefor, if you spare a few moments out of your busy schedule and read and consider my submissions. Your support in the matter is much needed and earnestly solicited. EAM and PM are going to address the UNGA in the coming days. It is time to urge and alert them to consider and include the proposal on International Day of Equality in their Briefs for their interaction at the UN.

With regards,

Yours truly,

(Ramesh Chander)

All the SC  Senior Ministers in the GOI


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Madan Bolina – An Obituary


Madan Bolina – An Obituary

I was shocked to get a message yesterday, September 2, from one of our common friends Roop Lal Roop about the sudden passing away, on August 31, of my school days friend, Madan Bolina, a fine man

with intellectual pursuits of writing Punjabi poetry and reciting it with great passion. I was totally stunned as Madan spoke to me a week ago and shared with me the good news of an addition to their family. He was elated of becoming a grand-father. Madan was still in the state of celebrations but   providence had something else in store.  Here one gets helpless.

We studied together up to Matriculation from Sain Dass School in Basti Nau. Both our families were dependent on small-time leather business in Bootan Mandi though their native place was a flourish village in the vicinity of Rama Mandi on the Hoshiarpur Road, Bolina Doaba. Earlier his father, Joginder Ram was working with Seth Munshi Ram, to whom they were related socially, at Seth ji’s Kohenoor Tanneries in Kanpur in UP. Madan was a handsome and a tall lad with a stylish hairline. One of our school mates and a member of the extended family, Lekh Raj Mahey used to compare, in lighter vein, his hairline with that of Wahida Rehman, a famous actor of Hindi cinema n Bollywood. I joined DAV College, after

Matriculation and Madan some other College in Jalandhar itself. Subsequently, I went to Delhi in the pursuit of earning bread and butter and joined IFS at the lowest rung in early 1970. We met in Delhi in 1971-72 when he came there for his attempt to join Delhi Police. Madan himself recalled it me later on return to Jalandhar on my retirement as it was not registered in my feeble memory. He was nostalgic and appreciative of those good old days spent together in a small one room accommodation. It made me feel good. We lost touch in the pursuit of our respective careers. He joined service in the Defense Audit and Accounts and shifted to his village, Bolina Doaba. On my return to Bootan Mandi in 2011, one day, we bumped into each other at some socio-cultural gathering. He came and introduced himself to me with great humility. Our formative years in school time, sparked into my mind. His humility touched my core and made me feel that he must have had a great regard for me in his heart. We picked up the threads and revived our association particularly with regard to our common interest - his skills of poetry and my simple interest in search of food for thought. We participated in many Mushiaras (Poetry recitation functions), me as a Guest and he as a Poet. Madan was a self-effacing personality but I saw him in his spirits while reciting his good and meaningful poetic compositions on the themes of national pride and subjects relating to the weaker sections of the community and the society at large.

One day, we were going to Adampur for a book release where I was the Guest of Honour at a function organized by Adampur Punjabi Sahayatia Sabha in which Madan to participate and join his colleagues in the Sabha for a Mushiara. Madan impressed me much

with recital of his poem on patriotism targeting Pakistan. On our way back, I asked him, being my fellow BootanMandian, will you like to write some or a write-up for my forthcoming book on Bootan Mandi? He was reluctant initially but on persuasion he agreed to his bit and asked for the theme. I suggested writing on Pritam Ramdasspuri, a talented and acclaimed son of the soil in poetry as Madan had earlier told methat Pritam Ramdasspuri was his literary Guru and one of his mentors. Accordingly, his contribution on Pritam Ramdasspuri adorned my book – Bootan Mandi: Nerve Centre of Dalit Chetna which was launched in April, 2024. Madan participated in the function as an honoured guest.

With the demise of Madan Bolina, I have lost a dear friend so suddenly. I take this opportunity to pay my tribute to the memory of Madan and convey heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

बिछड़ा कुछ इस अदा से; की रुत ही बदल गई

इक शख़्स सारे शहर को वीरान कर गया


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

As I Please – International Day of Equality


As I Please – International Day of Equality

The last time I wrote in my blog about the subject was March, 2024. We are about to enter September after a couple of days and September has been the month when invariably  thought of reminding the GOI about the proposal on April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar as International Day of Equality as it concerns
the UN. Traditionally, our PM and or EAM will go to New York and address the world from the high podium of the august organization in its annual UNGA. Though much water has flown in the Ganges and the Hudson in New York yet I am not tired as of today. I wrote this time to the President of BJP, J.P. Nadda under endorsement to other dignitaries concerned including EAM and PMO. As of now, I have been consciously trying to keep the proposal apolitical. But perhaps

time has come to underscore its political importance and resultant dividend, if it is accepted and political fallout too, if it is not duly considered and a response not given by the political leadership; particularly that of the ruling elite. People, especially the followers of Babasaheb Ambedkar are keenly and patiently watching the situation. The emerging scenario, in the wake of the recent elections, has clearly shown that the marginalized sections of the society for whom Babasaheb Ambedkar is a national icon, will no longer sit tight and would tend to say their mind in a democratic way. We would ignore Ambedkar at our own peril.

With this background, I share herewith my letter of August 27, 2024 to Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda, President of BJP and urge the stake holders in the proposal to come out and support the proposal on International Day of Equality before it gets too late.

IK Tarze Tugafil Hai So Woh Unko Mubarak

IK Arze Tammana Hai Woh Hum Karte Rahenge

Text of my letter of August 27, 2024 –

August 27, 2024

Respected Shri J.P. Nadda Sahib,

I am taking the liberty of writing to you on an issue of which you may be of aware as I have been writing to you on the subject off and on in the past many years – The proposal on April 14, birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar as the International Day of Equality under the aegis of the UN.

The proposal is resting with the MEA/PMO since June, 2015. Ever since, I have been pursuing the matter with all whom I considered could be of help in this regard. My last letter dated September 11, 2023  to EAM Dr. S. Jaishankar may be seen at the Annexure to this letter.

I may add that I have consciously been trying to keep this issue apolitical as Babasaheb is a national icon and shall be recognized as such. Since the matter pertains to the GOI under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi and the BJP, it would only be appropriate for me to take up the matter with you not only as an important Minister in the GOI but also as President of the BJP as I am confident that after a 10 years stint, NDA government headed by BJP would remain in power in the years to come. My last Blog written in March this year on the subject which would provide a bit more information on the proposal may be accessed at:

Though the matter is apolitical, as I said, yet kindly allow me to say my mind. You know that Ambedkar is a phenomenon which would remain firm on the socio-political firmament of the country for a long time to come. The fast changing political scenario on the basis of ‘one vote – one value’ would always be influencing the politics of the country and as such the marginalized sections of the society would tend to have their say. It has been proved in the recent elections. No political outfit can afford to ignore this ground reality. I know for certain that BJP under your stewardship and the GOI under PM Narendra Modi cannot remain oblivious of the coming scenario. Supporting the proposal on International Day of Equality to honour Babasaheb Ambedkar would, obviously result in good dividends not only politically but also strengthen India’s stature in the realm of ‘Socio-cultural – Soft diplomacy’ in the comity of nations in line with International Day of Non-violence and International Day of Yoga.

You would agree, Sir that time is of essence. I urge you to kindly have a fresh look on the proposal and consider the proposal and decide. It would only be appropriate if the proposal on International Day of Equality is taken to the UN through diplomatic channels and EAM/PM may include the matter in their speeches at the forthcoming UNGA in September, 2024.

I am confident, Sir, that my submissions will find due consideration with you.

With personal regards,

Yours truly,

(Ramesh Chander

Shri J.P.Nadda,

President of BJP

New Delhi


Copy to:

i.                 Dr. S. Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs

ii.               Shri Varindra Kumar, Minister of Social Justice

iii.              Shri Chirag Paswan, Minister of Food Processing

iv.              Shri Ramdas Athawale, MOS for Social Justice

v.                Principal Secretary to PM. Shri P.K. Mishra

vi.              Shri Mohan Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak of RSS


Annexure – Text of Letter dated September 11, 2023 to EAM Dr. S. Jaishankar


September 11, 2023

Respected Sir,

First of all, I congratulate you and the GOI on the successful G-20 Meet yet another feather in your hat. I take this opportunity to wish you further success in the days to come.

I am writing this again, Sir, to remind you on the proposal to declare April 14, birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, as International Day of Equality in the ambit of Bharat’s Soft and Cultural Diplomacy. I have been writing to you and other stakeholders in this regard. My last letter dated May 6, 2023 to you in this regard is enclosed for ready reference. Meanwhile, more than 30 organizations pertaining to Babasaheb Ambedkar, Gautam Buddha and Guru Ravidass in the UK submitted a Memorandum to the High Commissioner of India in support of the proposal. I am sure the HC must have forwarded the Memorandum to the MEA. I wrote a blog on this which may be accessed at:-

  I also wrote an open letter to the BJP leadership with a view to sensitize them and solicit their understanding and support which may be seen in my blog:-

You would appreciate that, Sir; International Day of Equality is an important proposal which would tend to strengthen Bharat’s soft diplomacy on one hand and honour one of the greatest sons of India, Babasaheb Ambedkar on the other. The timing of this submission is to catch up with the forthcoming UNGA in the last week of September, 2023. You may like to take advantage of your presence and participation in the UNGA to take up the proposal on International Day of Equality in your address to the international community.

With regards and all the best wishes.

Yours truly

(Ramesh Chander)

Dr. S. Jaishankar,

Minister of External Affairs,

South Block, New Delhi

Copy to:- Shri P.K. Mishra, Principal Secretary to PM, PMO, South Block, New Delhi

Monday, August 12, 2024

K. Natwar Singh – A Scholar Diplomat


K. Natwar Singh – A Scholar Diplomat

As I Please

Kunwar Natwar Singh (94), a scholar diplomat, passed away on August 10-11, 2024. Being a member of the MEA and the IFS fraternity, I first heard of him in 1974 when I was deployed in the PMO as an Assistant Protocol Officer. Natwar Singh, 1953 batch IFS, was the flamboyant Director attached to PM Indira Gandhi in the PMO in early 1970s. Later in 1982-83, I got a couple of opportunities to meet and interact with him as a Protocol Officer in

the MEA when he was the Secretary General of NAM. Beyond this, I did not have any occasion to work with Natwar Singh in my diplomatic career. But later in the process, I started liking him; particularly on his joining public life in the mid-1980s through his books and articles in the print media. He was a scholar diplomat and an articulate writer. Natwar Singh, immaculately dressed diplomat with a charming personality, was a much sought after personality not only as a diplomat but in intellectual and literary circles. Later on joining politics, he adorned many coveted positions including that of EAM in various governments. While in the IFS, he was close to PM Indira Gandhi and later in public life remained in the inner circles of PM Rajiv Gandhi, PM Manmohan Singh, Congress Party President, Sonia Gandhi among others. Later sometimes in mid- 2010s, he fell from grace due his involvement in a allegedly corruption case in the ‘Oil for Food’ programme for Iraq as EAM in PM Manmohan Singh government. He was unceremoniously removed as EAM which resulted in “K. Natwar Singh, 93, diplomat and Congress loyalist who turned persona non grata, dies” as storied by The Tribune on August 11. People in politics, sometimes, have to adjust with strange bed-fellows. Natwar Singh was no exception. He tried to be close to BJP and even joined for a while, BSP in late 2010s. His social background obviously helped him at the ladder to elevate himself. He was the scion of the royal family of Bharatpur and was married to the sister of Rani Sahiba Parneet Kaur of Patiala, the wife of CM of Punjab Captain Amrinder Singh.

As I said that I liked his books detailing his experiences in China and Africa and also Pakistan. His columns under the banner “As I

Please” motivated me to write blogs under the same heading ‘As I Please’ and ‘The Bits and Pieces’. I also wrote about his autobiography ‘One life is not enough’ which may be seen at:

With this, I pay my tributes to Kunwar Natwar Singh, a ‘seasoned diplomat and erudite politician’ and also a ‘prolific writer’ and close here with heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

Badi Muskil Se Hota Hai; Chaman Mein Didawr Paida






Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Reservations - A layman’s Point of view


Reservations - A layman’s Point of view

The question of Reservations is again in the news with the latest Judgment of the Supreme Court - The Supreme Court ruled that states can now sub-classify Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) to grant quotas within these groups, aiming to better

support more disadvantaged sub-groups. Otherwise also, the issue of reservations has been in focus even in the recently held Lok Sabha elections as it was one of the important issues on which the opposition was cornering the ruling outfits led by BJP. No doubt, it is an important issue but is also equally complicated having direct bearing not only on our polity but also the society. On suggestions of my friends, I decided to write on this subject as a layman and concerned citizen.

Without going deep into the history, my first observation, for the information and benefit of those who somehow feel that Reservations are given to the beneficiaries (oppressed and depressed people) by the magnanimity of the leadership of the high castes of the mainstream of the society. It is totally a wrong notion which shall be shed to begin with. William Hunter and Jyotirao Phule in 1882 originally conceived the idea of caste-based reservation system. I start from the contemporary times and these facts are well documented in the pages of history. Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar, Periyar Ramasamy, Babu Mangoo Ram Mugowalia  among others fought for the rights of the oppressed and depressed classes with the British Rulers tooth and nail. No leader or the party of the upper crust of the society extended any support or raised their voice against the inhuman treatment to the so called dalits at the hands of the so called upper-castes. Things came to head in the Round Table Conferences in London in the early 1930s. Babasaheb Ambedkar represented the depressed people and raised the voice for their socio-political rights. The alarm-bells rang in the Hindu society. The Congress Party led by Mahatma Gandhi and other high caste leaders opposed Ambedkar and his tirade for the rights of the oppressed people. Though they very well understood the concerns of Dr. Ambedkar and others with regard to the oppressed people yet they were more interested in saving the vested interests of the main stream of the society in terms of their Manuwadi mindset. The oppressed classes won the battle under the leadership of Babasaheb Ambedkar and others. PM Ramsey MacDonald’s Communal Award of 1932 gave “Separate Electorate’ to Depressed Classes along with Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities. It amounted to that Depressed Classes were given separate identity outside the fold of Hindus. It was not acceptable to Mahatma Gandhi and other Hindu leaders and Mahatma Gandhi resorted to ‘fast unto death’ in the Yerwada Jail in Pune to undo the Communal Award. The Hindu leaders led by Madan Mohan Malviya and Kasturba Gandhi pleaded, threatened and even blackmailed  Babasaheb Ambedkar on the pretext of ‘Hindu unity, freedom movement, patriotism’ to save the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Babasaheb Ambedkar was not only a nationalist to the core but also a votary of comprehensive and just social order but was dead against the Manuwadi Varan Vivastha as opposed to Mahatma Gandhi who was a staunch supporter of status quo as a hardcore Hindu. Ambedkar relented and negotiated an agreement with Mahatma Gandhi and others to make special provisions for the depressed classes not only in the legislature but also in jobs and

educational institutions to empower the depressed classes. The agreement is called Poona Pact of 1932. This was the first step towards ‘Reservations’ to the depressed people. Instead of the ‘Separate Electorates’ these understandings of the Poona Pact were appropriately incorporated in the India Act of 1935 passed by the British Parliament. Thus the depressed classes became Scheduled Castes and were given Reservations’. Subsequently, on independence in 1947, the Constitution of India made under the stewardship of Babasaheb Ambedkar duly incorporated these ‘Affirmative’ provisions which are called ‘Reservations’. It is clear from these details that ‘Reservations’ to the Scheduled Castes are no ‘alms’ or ‘goodies’ given by anyone in charity but are the enabling provisions to end the subjugation and exploitation of the masses now called ‘Dalits’ in general parlance. As such there should be no heart-burn in the so called ‘General Samaj” in this regard.

The Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were stipulated in the Constitution of India in Articles 15, 16, 17 and 46 providing for the establishment of a society without social injustice, exploitation and where there is equality, and no one is left behind. As such Reservations in the jobs and legislatures with a provision of 15% for SCs and 7.5% for STs were made.  After independence,

initially reservations were provided only for SCs and STs. OBCs were included in the ambit of reservation in 1991 on the recommendations of the Mandal Commission. It may be added quickly, ever since its inception, the so called upper-castes of the Hindu fold called “General Category” have been opposing it on one pretext or the other. It will not be out of context to mention that, unfortunately, the higher echelon of the polity including the Executive, Judiciary, Media etc. has also been non-cooperative and unsupportive of these provisions consciously or sub-consciously in the caste ridden society. They confined themselves only to ‘lip service’ to undo the injustice meted out to dalits. Reservations stayed on the statute book only because of the ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ based on the principle of ‘One Vote – One Value’ and the fundamentals of the Constitution – Equality, Liberty, Justice and Fraternity so thoughtfully visualized and enshrined in the Constitution by our forefathers under the leadership of Babasaheb Ambedkar. Many vested interests intended to abolish or even dilute these provisions over the years but could not succeed. By now, it is fully understood, fortunately, by all the political and socio-cultural outfits of the country that it would not be easy to touch these provisions without bringing the marginalized sections of the society at par with the so called upper crust of the society both socially and economically and also educationally. It has been amply proved and demonstrated in the recently held elections to the Lok Sabha. It is a matter of satisfaction to note that dalits are increasingly becoming aware of their rights. It became possible only through the ‘affirmative action’ under the provisions of Reservations.

Now let us come briefly to the recent judgments and observations of Supreme Court on Quota within Quota and the issue of creamy layer and also the currently live issue of Caste Census (Jatti Jan Ganna). These issues, of course, are very important with regard to the bigger issue of Reservations and Empowerment. I will base my observations in this regard with reference to the views of a legal expert and educationist, Faijan Mustafa who commented on the Supreme Court judgment on Reservation within Reservation, “A closer look demonstrates that our judiciary has not been quite enthusiastic about reservation policies. While there are verdicts that go the other way, several judgments have tried to dilute reservation. The latest judgment is a milestone and consistent with the earlier verdicts.” I would tend to agree with Mustafa Sahib. It is a fact that judicial judgments with regard to Reservations many a times set the clock back and created avoidable confusion. Judiciary not only in India but also in other countries is a not a ‘supernatural organ’ of the state. Judges also belong and live in the society and have the mindset of the mainstream of the society and naturally so. Unfortunately, the general mindset of the society is still ‘Manuwadi’ though we profess ‘Equality, Justice and Fraternity’ in our constitutional arrangements. These contradictions remain and need to be addressed. My brief observations:

Quota within Quota – Reservation within Reservation is a confusing concept with divisive tendencies. It would tend to further fragment the society and take us towards perpetuation of temporary measures of Reservations.  It has a negative orientation and would tend to accept the dogma of ‘graded inequality’ which we intend to do away with. I believe in the RSS’s doctrine of ‘Samrasta’ to establish an inclusive and just society.

Creamy layer among SCs – Again it is a misleading notion. SC remains an SC socially however high he may go in his professional and vocational sphere. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Babu Jagjivan Ram, K.R. Naryanan, Ram Nath Kovind among many more in public life who could reach coveted positions remained dalits in the social hierarchy. It is also equally true for all highly placed civil servants belonging IFS, IAS, IPS and Allied Services. Only the bearer knows where the shoe is pinching. Moreover, the so called creamy layer is fully alive to the ground realities. They are voluntarily opting out of the Reservations as no one wants to remain a ‘second rate’ member of the society. Most of the highly placed officials are not claiming and availing of Reservations for their children. As such the notion of ‘creay layer’ is a misnomer.

Caste Census – Reservations as provided in the Constitution are here to stay for a long time in the given socio-economic and political situation in the country. With a view to make focused and functional policies to empower the Dalits and OBCs, Caste Census and relevant data is needed. There should be no problem in conducting Caste Census. Certain issues cannot be kept under the carpet any longer. Dalits and OBCs are determined to have their share of the cake. But how do we fix that share without the relevant data? The dictum “Jis Ki Jitni Sankhya Bhari; Utni Uski Bhagedari” is gaining strength and rightly so.

Concept of Reservation -Let us elaborate the concept of Reservations a bit more for the benefit of a common man –

·      Different people understand reservation to mean different things. One view of reservation as a generic concept is that reservation is an anti-poverty measure.

·      Reservation implies a separate quota which is reserved for a special category of persons.

·      Reservation was introduced with the aim of advancement and adequate representation of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes.

·      The age-old caste system of India is responsible for the origination of the reservation system in the country.

·      In simple terms, it is about facilitating access to seats in the government jobs, educational institutions, and even legislatures to certain sections of the population.

·      These sections have faced historical injustice due to their caste identity.

·      As a quota based affirmative action, the reservation can also be seen as positive discrimination.

The Way Forward

Someone has rightly said about the Reservation, “A strong political will is indispensable to find equilibrium between justice to the backwards, equity for the forwards and efficiency for the entire system.” How can it be achieved within the constitutional frame work? Here are some of my observations in this regard:-

·      Reservations for SCs and STs shall continue on the basis of their share in the population with a view to bring about a ‘just social order’ and ‘Samrasta’ as conceptualized by RSS. It will only be possible by negating the caste system. RSS should hit the caste system in the head to prove its credentials with regard to ‘Samrasta’ otherwise this concept will remain in the air-conditioned offices and drawing rooms. Hopefully, RSS would rise to the occasion.

·      There shall be an inclusive and comprehensive society led by the ‘Mainstream’ of the society with secular credentials and an agenda of ‘Sab Ka Sath – Sab Ka Vikas. Reservations should be available only to the depressed people in the Hindu fold. Reservation is not a poverty eradication programme. It is a programme of social empowerment of the marginalized segments of the society.

·      India is a rich country inhabited by poor people. There is no justification of Reservations to EWS. The Social Security System should be streamlined and strengthened to take care of the EWS. SCs are not socially sidelined lot but also economically retarded over the centuries.

·      There shall be reservations for SCs and STs in the top positions like Cabinet Secretary and Secretaries in the GOI, Chief Secretaries of the States, Fair representation in Judiciary and autonomous and statuary establishments. The argument or logic of ‘Merit’ and ‘non-availability’ have become outdated and are immoral.

·      The newly introduced category – Lateral Entry – foe recruitment of high level posts of Joint Secretary, Director and Deputy Secretary in the GOI has tended to dilute the Reservation provisions. It should be abolished forthwith or there should be Reservation in recruitment under this Later Entry too.

·      Perhaps, time has come to abolish political reservation (Reserved constituencies) in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies. It has out-lived its utility. These reservations have created only ‘Dummies’ or ‘Chamchas’( in the terminology used by Babu Kanshi Ram) in the political leadership of SCs and STs. By abolishing these political reservations, we will know as to where do we (both the upper castes and dalits) stand in an inclusive society. This litmus test would help us in determining as to how long the Reservations would be needed.

 A renowned Columnist, Tavleen Singh has commented on the issue, “Caste-based reservation is a process through which centuries of oppression and subjugation are being sought to be righted at the bare minimum level. Till the day that goal is achieved, it is needed”

I fully agree with Tavleen Singh. It is a matter of gratification to note that all the major political parties stand for reservations, prima facie. In the recently held Lok Sabha Elections, 2024, it became clear. The opposition made it an issue that the BJP, RSS and their supporters intend to abolish Reservations and change the Constitution. It caught the imagination of the masses, particularly the SCs, it seemed. BJP, RSS and others concerned did their best to clear their stand and position on the issues and categorically denied these charges. The top leadership, including PM Narendra Modi, Sarsanghchalak of RSS, Mohan Bhagwat and others came out with clear statements in support of Reservations. We should take their stand on its face value till it is proved otherwise. The ongoing developments in our neighborhood in Bangladesh are a stark reminder to be on our guards. The anti-social, anti-national elements and our enemies around might be sitting in the wings to exploit the situation.  We need to be careful and try our utmost with sincerity to undo and end the socio-economic injustice to the marginalized sections of the society with a view to bring about ‘Samrasta’ in an inclusive society of Bharat. While underlining the caustion, I recall a Urdu couplet of Allama Iqbal:

छुपा कर आस्तीं में बिजलियाँ रक्खी हैं गर्दूं ने

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